Let’s plead the Power of The Blood of Jesus upon our lives and families, Bethel World Outreach-Capitol Church, Watchmen, The Body of Christ and the Nations.
- Let the Blood of Jesus secure our lives
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us
- Let the Blood of Jesus fight for us
- Let the Blood of Jesus infuse divine health in us
- Let the Blood of Jesus cover us
- Let the Blood of Jesus strengthens our immune system
- Let the Blood of Jesus purge our breathing system
- Let the Blood of Jesus cover us
- Let the Blood of Jesus be continually sprinkled in our cells
- Let the Blood of Jesus washed away any contamination coming to us
- Let the Blood of Jesus purge our spirit, soul and body
- Let the Blood of Jesus cleanse anything related to us
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from all our enemies
- Let the Blood of Jesus free us from all kind of oppressions
- Let the Blood of Jesus cleanse us from fleshly and spiritual filthiness
- Let the Blood of Jesus activate peace in our heart and mind
- Let the Blood of Jesus release Shalom in us
- .Let the Blood of Jesus stir us up to pray
- Let the Blood of Jesus sanctify us
- Let the Blood of Jesus reach the depth of our heart
- Let the Blood of Jesus bring healing to us
- Let the Blood of Jesus raise us up
- Let the Blood of Jesus destroy any attempt to bewitch us
- Let the Blood of Jesus free us from any witchcraft
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from evil altars
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from spells, curses, incantations
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from evil covenants
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from demonic spirit priest standing at family altars
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from all satanic thrones
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from satanic bondages
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from tongues from hell
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from charms influence
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from evil covering
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from satanic snares
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from satanic sects and lodges
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from esoterism, freemasonry, illuminatism, rosicrucianism
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from persecution
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from all evil thoughts
- Let the Blood of Jesus deliver us from all phantasm
- Let the Blood of Jesus chase Satan away from us
- Let the Blood of Jesus chase all satanic spirits from us
- Let the Blood of Jesus chase away from us all spirits of perversion
- Let the Blood of Jesus chase away from us all wicked spirits
- Let the Blood of Jesus cast away any witches
- Let the Blood of Jesus flow into us
- Let the Blood of Jesus saturate us
- Let the Blood of Jesus break all ungodliness in our hearts
- Let the Blood of Jesus break in our hearts all that does not honor The Lord Jesus
- Let the Blood of Jesus invade us
- Let the Blood of Jesus allow Angel to escort us wherever we go
- Let the Blood of Jesus protect us from all dangers
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us from premature death
- Let the Blood of Jesus break all blockages before us
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us from falling
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us from all fatalities
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us from all accidents
- Let the Blood of Jesus preserve us from all wicked plots
- Let the Blood of Jesus comfort us
- Let the Blood of Jesus trigger in us a shout of joy
- Let the Blood of Jesus cause us to be always full of pride for Jesus
- Let the Blood of Jesus surround us and be our buckler against all assaults of the enemy
- Let the Blood of Jesus break all arrows shouted against us
- Let the Blood of Jesus give us victory against our Goliath
- Let the Blood of Jesus remains our Salvation
- Let the Blood of Jesus Speak for us against our enemy
- Let the Blood of Jesus make our faith grow strong
- Let the Blood of Jesus give us pure thoughts
- Let the Blood of Jesus transfuse us
- Let the Blood of Jesus always fill us
Thank you Jesus.
When you were crucified at the Cross of Calvary it was for us
When you receive the crown of thorns on your head it was for us
When you were bloodily beaten it was for us
When you were nailed on your hands it was for us
When you were pierced on your feet it was for us
When your Blood was flowing out of your wounds it was for us
When your Blood was flowing down from your bruises it was for us
When you gave up your spirit and died it was for us
When you rose from the grave it was for us
When you ascended in glory it was for us
When you sat on the throne at the right hand of God the Father it was for us
When you are interceding from the right hand of the Father it is for us
And you are coming again and it is still for us
To take us home where you are preparing a place
For us
How shall our Worship and Service be less than from our HEART!!!!
We love you,
Dr. Moussa Toure
Stan kabore says
Very powerful and impactful declarations!
Thank you Pastor!🙏🏽